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The Menopause Self Discovery Collective

A membership community for women who are ready to learn how to naturally embrace their menopausal transition. 

A safe space where you will be empowered with the knowledge and support you need to successfully prepare for and navigate this stage of your life.

Where you will learn how to regain your sense of self and cultivate a lifestyle that brings you back into balance, to meet your unique wellbeing needs.

Helping you to make the most of your life now and get ready for the next phase of your life.


Launching in 2025

Just £30 a month for as long as you are a member
Only 8 founding member places available - add your name to the wait list!

Surviving Menopause

Are you....

  • Struggling with low self worth, low confidence, low mood and anxiety? Which is having a knock on impact on your health, relationships and work. As you doubt yourself and your abilities, and worry about things more than ever before, which is preventing you from living your life fully. 


  • Finding it increasingly hard to function as you juggle with all your roles and responsibilities? You feel like you're treading water and only just keeping your head above the surface. You're stressed and overwhelmed as you struggle to manage everything like you used to.


  • Missing the person you used to be? It's almost like a stranger has taken over your mind and body, leaving you wondering if you'll ever regain your sense of self again.  


  • Lacking motivation to create lifestyle changes, that you know would help improve your wellbeing? As mentally you're so low and overwhelmed, you just want to withdraw and crave time alone time. You may also feel empty, numb and apathetic.      


  • Always saying yes to others, even when it means a no to your needs? You identify as a people pleaser, as you don't like to say no as you worry what people will think of you. So you don't get round to doing the things you need to for yourself, often feeling frustrated with others and yourself. 


  • Ready to be a part of the movement to change outdated narratives about the women, aging and the menopause?  Helping to ensure the next generation of women stand in their personal power and are informed, prepared and ready to embrace each stage of their life.

Imagine being part of a supportive community 

Connecting in a private online space together, sharing and supporting each other, as you learn about topics that centre around the following two core areas.  

Cyclical Living

Positive Psychology

Helping you to reconnect to the nature of who you are as a woman and a human being, to find your balance and meet your wellbeing needs.

Covering topics such as: seasonal awareness, lunar phases, menstrual cycles, hormonal changes, circadian rhythms, and more.

To honour this natural stage of your life from a more natural and holistic approach.

To develop increased self awareness and redefine a new empowering approach to the menopausal transition.

Covering topics such as: understanding strengths and values, how your mind works, self image psychology, developing a resilient mindset, stress management, mindfulness, gratitude, self compassion, and more.

Learning how to bring balance to your mental health as you move through the psychological shift taking place. 

Supportive Online Community

What to expect as part of the membership

Hi, I'm Clare

Your Menopause Coach & Guide, here to support you through your menopausal transition.

I reached menopause at 45, but it wasn't until years later that I found out I had been perimenopausal for the 10 years prior - because at the time I didn't even know what perimenopause was! I was just told by my Mum I was going through "the change" as I started to get hot flushes and irregular and heavy periods.   


It wasn't until I became a life coach specialising in women's mental wellbeing, that I noticed the majority of my clients were going through their menopausal transition.   So, I started to delve into researching the menopause and it became clear that I had experienced a lot more symptoms than I first thought, but then I also noticed the symptoms were the same as those associated with stress. 


Then I found out that the stress hormone cortisol affects our sex hormones, particularly progesterone, which increases the likelihood and severity of perimenopause symptoms.  Added to this, research showed a direct link between a woman's physical symptoms and her beliefs about the menopause.  Meaning women who have more apprehension about the menopause tend to experience worse symptoms.


Which is why I decided to specialise in menopause coaching and guidance, to help redefine the menopause, as a threshold to a new liberating phase in a woman's life. To recognise it as a normal developmental stage of life, where we are called to let go of the ways of living we created when younger, that led us to suppress who we are, in order to fit in and please others.  To lean into the existential wake up call which pushes you to step into the fullness of who you are. So I now help women to regain their sense of self and vitality, with coaching and guidance that helps them make the most of their life.

Clare Hopkins - Menopause Coach

A need to change the current narrative around the menopause

Whilst the recent increased awareness in the media is enabling many women to speak up and not feel so alone.  Plus, it's highlighting the urgent need for women's health to be taken more seriously, by the medical and scientific communities.  I feel the overall narrative is disempowering due to the heavy focus on symptoms.  Which is leading to a natural stage in a woman's life being medicalised and exploited commercially, as women seek help to raise awareness about their symptoms and treatment.


If I was a women approaching perimenopause today, the current narrative would leave me dreading this stage in my life.  When in fact, not every woman has symptoms, and there is a lot we can do to prevent and reduce symptoms.  We just need to be empowered by taking a more salutogenic approach, which is about focusing on how to create and maintain our health and wellbeing holistically.  Rather than the pathogenic approach we are currently seeing, which is focused on the cause of illness and disease and prevention with medical intervention.


We get what we focus on in life, so we need to change our approach to focus on empowering women to understand how to create and maintain their health during their transition.  Starting with addressing the levels of stress being experienced by women in their daily lives.


The power of a positive mindset is key

In her fantastic book The Menopause Brain, Dr Lisa Mosconi includes a whole chapter on the power of having a positive mindset.  She states that "research shows there is a direct link between a woman's physical symptoms and her beliefs about menopause".  Further explaining that "women who have more apprehension about menopause tend to experience worse symptoms."


As an accredited NLP Life Coach I know how the mind works and help my clients to understand who they are beyond their thoughts, Then they can start to rediscover who they truly are and what their needs are.  This understanding enables them to change perspectives and move beyond habitual patterns of thinking. Leading them to reduce stress, regulate their emotions and feel self empowered to make positive lifestyle changes, improving their overall menopausal experience. 


Redefining a more empowering approach

I'm passionate about contributing towards the movement to redefine a new more empowering approach to the menopausal transition.  There is meaning and purpose in this transition and now is the time to ensure the menopause is positively embraced for future generations of women.   


I invite you to join this movement and look forward to welcoming you into The Menopause Self Discovery Collective!

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